Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services

The qualification has core and elective unit of competency requirements that cover common skills for the plumbing industry, as well as the four specialist streams and a range of elective options.

Qualification Overview:

This qualification provides an outcome for:

  • experienced fire operators with responsibility for project design and supervision (Fire services stream)
  • experienced plumbing service operators with responsibility for project design and supervision (Air conditioning and mechanical services stream)
  • plumbers who manage a plumbing business (Plumbing and services – Management stream)
  • specialist plumbing services tradespersons and operators seeking to deepen their technical skills (Plumbing and services – Operations stream)
  • specialist hydraulic consultants (Hydraulic services design stream).

Occupational titles may include:

  • Plumbing contractor
  • Fire services supervisor
  • Air conditioning technician
  • Specialist hydraulic designer.

The qualification has core and elective unit of competency requirements that cover common skills for the plumbing industry, as well as the four specialist streams and a range of elective options.

The plumbing industry strongly affirms that training and assessment leading to recognition of skills must be undertaken in a real or very closely simulated workplace environment and this qualification requires all units of competency to be delivered in this context.

Completion of the general induction training program specified by the National Code of Practice for Induction Training for Construction Work (ASCC 2007) is required before entering a construction work site. The Achievement of unit CPCCOHS1001A covers this requirement.

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